Sunday, August 30, 2009

End of holiday

Well, 2 weeks of school holidays is finally coming to an end. (Damn you jack!! You get 3, you mutha f***er)

Anyway, this probably means that i have to see that goddamn Sakai again. And no, I did not forget the retarded boomer. After all, he's the thing that goes up to total strangers an says " Duhh, what's in dah pantz"

Anyway, well i guess that's it. I'm not really in a mood to post due to the ending of the holiday. But I promise to make up for it.

And while you're reading this post, I might as well tell you a joke. Well, here it is " Add a bed, minus your clothes, divide your legs and multiply." P.S.: I got this from a friend who's identity has been withheld.