Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our List of Staff

This are some of the pics of our goofy employees. P.S some of these pics were taken a long time ago so the people inside might have changed a bit.

So here are the pics.
Get ready a paper bag for puking.

Our first editor - the
late Lucius Vladimir Putin Francis Vrngghd
von Q. Swaztikanegga
In service : 250 - 190 B.C.

Our janitor, Mr. Borronco
Albama Gandalf.

Just one of the
staff, Miss Megan Fox.
She got really PISSED for us taking a photo of her taking her daily drug dosage.
Mr & Mrs Finnigan's deaths were never reported in the News Straits

Another one of our staff, Mr Harry James Potter, an employee
so hardworking that he writes during his bath.

The Twins, Angelina and Selina Jolie, fighting for a cup of
coffee during their lunch break.

Two brothers, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Henderson,
fighting for the rights to use the bathroom.

And finally our beloved readers and paparazzi.

And also, our office on Fridays.

And we also hired this fellow to terminate any Sakai, Boomer and Retards in the perimeter.

P.S: He's got a really trigger happy finger and a hunger for blood.
Watch your ass.