Friday, August 7, 2009

Dumbass In The Class

Now, we're going to tell you about another DUMBASS, the SAKAI. Notice the words in green are used to describe how ugly, stupid, annoying and stupid it is. So, what happened is we got a sneak peek at it's diary. Yes, boys and girls. Cartoon Network is right. Ugly retarded creatures keep daries named dyri. And this is what we found. Attention! The following scenes may contain inapropriate content for children.

My namez sakai. Me like to pi-pi on passerbys an poop in publik. Me got long pubic hair in my noze. Today, me crawled doun fraum my tree. Me go see dawkter next door. Dawkter said me haf no pi-pi and testikawlz. Me iz ok with dhat.

What followed was rough sketchings of toilets and unfathomable words such as brtkgsk and rutskofmg. So, we're going to give you a rough summary of the SAKAI. And by the way, if you don't understand the passage, we don't blame you.

Name: Sakai

Gender: What Gender??

Age: Is it 1.3 or 13, i forgot

Hobby: Licking and sucking soiled adult diapers OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

I.Q.: OVER -9000!!!

Zodiac: The Dumbass

Height: 3 feet of UGLINESS

Weight: how about 30 kilos of pure stupidity

Occupation: Making products out of PUBIC HAIR

Religion: Toilet (worships it every day for at least 3 hours)

Race: Stupid or Dumbass, no one knows

*This is a complete summary of the SAKAI. Almost none have been photographed(alive). But this is an ex
ception. The SAKAI is depicted below.

*right, a SAKAI with pubic hair growing all over his face. This condition is known as PUBIUS GINORMOUS


*The SAKAI can be seen on Boomer's World too. Remember, Friday 9pm on Channel 552. Although we're not sure how this program is educational for kids.