Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Something to Think About

As none of you know, there is a secret agency that has infiltrated every level of our governments, searching for their targets known as Retards. This agency is called the ARI, or the Anti-Retard Initiative. Although we're not sure why they gave themselves such a retarded name. Hypocrites.

Anyway, ARI was responsible for many deaths throughout the centuries. Here are a few examples:

Julius Caesar - Balding was thought to be a symptom of retardedness in the old times.

Adolf Hitler - Mistaken for a famous retard named doH! because of that ugly mustache.

Abraham Lincoln - Don't ask me why.

George Washington - They failed to kill him so they knocked out his teeth instead

ARI was also responsible for the deaths of many Japs during World War II, because it was them who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. The reason: Japs kinda looked like retards. Then they dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki because it was, according to one of their staff, " Watch Jappies go boom-boom fun-fun!!

That same employee was terminated one day later for positive symptoms of Retardedness.

And we're keeping our fingers crossed that ARI stops their Irish stupidity and notices that we have a Sakai and a Boomer here. Maybe hanging Boomer from the flagpole will help.

So, boys and girls, if you suspect a person of Retardedness, do not contact the authorities, but immediately pick up a weapon, preferably a pair of chopsticks, and dig out the retard's brain.
Remember, you'll be doing humanity a great service. ^^

ARI Commando Squads. These squads are trained to hunt down and kill Retards. Actually they don't need much training, cause Retards are so darn easy to kill. F.Y.I, Retards kinda like to hide in public toilets, the smellier the better.