Sunday, August 30, 2009

End of holiday

Well, 2 weeks of school holidays is finally coming to an end. (Damn you jack!! You get 3, you mutha f***er)

Anyway, this probably means that i have to see that goddamn Sakai again. And no, I did not forget the retarded boomer. After all, he's the thing that goes up to total strangers an says " Duhh, what's in dah pantz"

Anyway, well i guess that's it. I'm not really in a mood to post due to the ending of the holiday. But I promise to make up for it.

And while you're reading this post, I might as well tell you a joke. Well, here it is " Add a bed, minus your clothes, divide your legs and multiply." P.S.: I got this from a friend who's identity has been withheld.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stay Healthy Everyone!!!

There have been many deaths recently not only from H1N1, but also from other diseases recently. So, our editor has forced us to show you some tips on how to stay healthy.

P.S Please follow these tips, or we will lose our job. No pressure.

Brush twice a day.

Remember, you are what you eat

Visit the dentist regulary.

Get plenty of rest.

Make sure your hair is dry before going outside..

Eat right.

Get outside in the sun every once in a while.

Always wear a seatbelt.

Control your drinking of alcoholic beverages.

Smile! It will make you feel better.

Don't overindulge yourself.

Always wear a safety helmet while playing

Love your country, join the army (random)

Don't bite off more than you can chew

Exercise often

Love yourself, don't do what this cat does

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Due to the Boomer, I mean H1N1 outbreak, our school closed for 1 week. Plus the week after that.
2 weeks of holiday = awesome. Although I'm sure Boomer had something to do with this. And to all of who's schools are still open, IN YOUR FACE!! Anyway, remember this??

* To the left are a few examples of Boomer, I mean Flying Pigs

Here's a little something for you to remember me by.

And me in front of the computer. P.S the cigar's Cuban.

.....Got a little lost in New York City.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Left 4 Lol......

To all those who play Left 4 Dead, this is the clip you've got to watch. If you don't play the game or wet your pants whenever you see a blood-covered zombie, it's quite funny too, but maybe you wouldn't completely understand it. Anyway, this clip contains swears, but don't blame us, we didn't make it.

This isn't the real Left 4 Dead, so don't get mistaken XD.......

No offense to Mexicans and zombies.

And here's the link if you want to watch it on youtube.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our List of Staff

This are some of the pics of our goofy employees. P.S some of these pics were taken a long time ago so the people inside might have changed a bit.

So here are the pics.
Get ready a paper bag for puking.

Our first editor - the
late Lucius Vladimir Putin Francis Vrngghd
von Q. Swaztikanegga
In service : 250 - 190 B.C.

Our janitor, Mr. Borronco
Albama Gandalf.

Just one of the
staff, Miss Megan Fox.
She got really PISSED for us taking a photo of her taking her daily drug dosage.
Mr & Mrs Finnigan's deaths were never reported in the News Straits

Another one of our staff, Mr Harry James Potter, an employee
so hardworking that he writes during his bath.

The Twins, Angelina and Selina Jolie, fighting for a cup of
coffee during their lunch break.

Two brothers, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Henderson,
fighting for the rights to use the bathroom.

And finally our beloved readers and paparazzi.

And also, our office on Fridays.

And we also hired this fellow to terminate any Sakai, Boomer and Retards in the perimeter.

P.S: He's got a really trigger happy finger and a hunger for blood.
Watch your ass.

Note from the Head Idiot

All readers, this is a post from the editor, ~. We
welcome everyone, especially those from class 1E, as most of the posts in this blog will involve students there. To the good non-retarded students, we mean no offense to you whatsoever. To the idiots like Boomer and Sakai, we mean every thing we say, and we know its true. (We know your crush, Boomer!)

This blog is not like others, as we update our posts every so often, and posts may contain slight changes every time you read them. Sorry for the inconvenience, but sometimes our writers may write incorrect or vulgar content in our posts and we have to correct them.

Enclosed is a photo of us, ~~~~. Me and the gang XD

The Staff of ~~~~

*Please leave any comments in the Cbox. And please don't spam, we hate spamming.)

*We apologize for any unintended offense, although not to Boomer,Sakai and other retards.

*Again, we despise you, Boomer. And Sakai too.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flying Pigs

Goodie, Goodie, Flu season is here. Well, some students from 5A (no names mentioned) contracted H1N1 recently. Since then, We've been imagining on what happens when you screw around with a vile of avian and swine flu. Well, here are the results.

*to the right are a few examples of the

*while we're at it, we might as well show you a
bunch of other goofy things in our neighbourhood.

*To the left is the real life ninja turtle!! P.S the sword is real.

*Awww, it's a care bear. How cute, its using its massive razor sharp teeth-filled jaws to pull the screaming woman out of the water, leaving a gruesome trail of blood in the process. Not to mention organs.

* I call this one the cat-terpillar. $5 for a ride, seniors and kids $3. Goes at 10 miles an hour (Only speed available)

* And last but not least, Count Quackula. A very romantic companion with elegant taste of fashion. Don't let it quack your blood out.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dumbass In The Class

Now, we're going to tell you about another DUMBASS, the SAKAI. Notice the words in green are used to describe how ugly, stupid, annoying and stupid it is. So, what happened is we got a sneak peek at it's diary. Yes, boys and girls. Cartoon Network is right. Ugly retarded creatures keep daries named dyri. And this is what we found. Attention! The following scenes may contain inapropriate content for children.

My namez sakai. Me like to pi-pi on passerbys an poop in publik. Me got long pubic hair in my noze. Today, me crawled doun fraum my tree. Me go see dawkter next door. Dawkter said me haf no pi-pi and testikawlz. Me iz ok with dhat.

What followed was rough sketchings of toilets and unfathomable words such as brtkgsk and rutskofmg. So, we're going to give you a rough summary of the SAKAI. And by the way, if you don't understand the passage, we don't blame you.

Name: Sakai

Gender: What Gender??

Age: Is it 1.3 or 13, i forgot

Hobby: Licking and sucking soiled adult diapers OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

I.Q.: OVER -9000!!!

Zodiac: The Dumbass

Height: 3 feet of UGLINESS

Weight: how about 30 kilos of pure stupidity

Occupation: Making products out of PUBIC HAIR

Religion: Toilet (worships it every day for at least 3 hours)

Race: Stupid or Dumbass, no one knows

*This is a complete summary of the SAKAI. Almost none have been photographed(alive). But this is an ex
ception. The SAKAI is depicted below.

*right, a SAKAI with pubic hair growing all over his face. This condition is known as PUBIUS GINORMOUS


*The SAKAI can be seen on Boomer's World too. Remember, Friday 9pm on Channel 552. Although we're not sure how this program is educational for kids.

First ( and possibly last ) blog eva!!!

This is our first blog, and possibly the last one, so anyone who reads this is probably bored to tears. Notice the 'we'. If you don't, you're probably as stupid as Boomer. And Boomer is stupid. REALLY STUPID.
Now, we are not sure what stupid things to tell you, so we'll just tell you about a (thing) named Boomer.These are some of the details about it.

Nickname : Boomer
Real Name : Booomer

Age : (Mentality : 1) (Biological : Stupid. Plain Stupid)
Gender : Not sure. By the looks of it, it doesn't have one.
Zodiac : Ass
Weight : If it's as heavy (and fat) as it looks, probably 500 Metric Tons.
Height : Do you measure by feet, centimetres, or ugly?
I.Q : We'd like to give it a negative number, but it knows how to say 'du duz' so we'll give it a 1, maybe even a 2 for 'du duz' being a two syllable word.
Stupidity : 100%
Hobbies : 1: Vomiting at passerbys
2:Doing Du Duz
3:Eating Du Duz
4:Doing Du Duz on itself.
5:Doing Du Duz. Then eating them.
6.Doing Du Duz, then eating them. ALL THE TIME.*Apparently its hobbies are the only things its good at.

Friends : Real ones? None. Antisocial freak-pals? plenty. Most of them are nonexistant.
We're tired now so we'll just give you a summary on Boomer. Its stupid, digusting, stupid, fat, ugly, stupid, good at making du duz, and stupid.

*Boomer is not a work of art (except in Left 4 Dead ). It exists, in a class named 1E. We're not gonna say the school's name except its in Malaysia. Puchong.

*Du duz means poop.

*Don't forget to watch Boomer's World on Astro TVIQ, Channel 552 every Friday 9p.m. We wonder how this show is educational for children, and you'll wonder too when you see Boomer's picture.

*Boomer is fat. And stupid.

*Also here is Boomer depicted in a real life