Sunday, September 6, 2009

Another blog?

As you might have noticed, almost everything in this blog is directed towards retards. Well, to those of you who want something different, visit for totally RANDOM stuff. And we're always open to suggestions on how to improve our blog. If you want random or stupid stuff, just ask. LolSprite. Anyway, we're gonna go to Retardland, Hong Kong next holiday to make fun of Stupid Retarded Bitches. By the way, we're offering free tickets for $100 for a $2 value.

If you wanna come, call 03-549@#48fg1. Free large Coke and Fries with every ticket. Just add $30.95. We'll send ur Coke, Fries and Retardland Ticket via pigeon. Remember to visit but not more often then this blog. MOO!

FYI, the stuff in this blog is directed to the retards in OUR SCHOOL which is SMKBPJ(B).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dawn of HELGA

While some of you have noticed, this blog revolves around the stupidity of Sakai & Boomer. Code name R.E.T.A.R.D.S For those of you who don't know what R.E.T.A.R.D.S means, its Ridiculously Extremely Tremendously Awfully REALLY Dimwitted Suckers. NOW YOU KNOW.
Anyway, a new breed of retard has emerged. The HELGA. This retard is the most dangerous of all. Unlike Boomer & Sakai who just go about eating du duz, the Helga goes about stalking people, then they proceed to steal your personal items like underwear and worship it. It may not sound like much, but just you wait...... For those of you who don't know, the Helga's habitat is Class 1Delta, and the FAT girls toilet so you people from SMKBPJ(B) had better beware.

Anyway, as we usually do, here's a summary of the retard known
only as Helga.

Name : Helga Grigorius Reichshit Loolapalakasuuza Fawntanilla.

Age :We just discovered it today as it was stalking us
back home from school.

Sex :It kinda, just kinda looks like a girl. Kinda.

Mentality : dUh!

Weight:Half a Sakai multiplied by two Boomers.

Height:60 dOh!s.

I.Q: Over -5 dOh!s (it's less than -1000 normal I.Q. score)
*dOh! is used as a universal retard measurement

Hobby: Stalking people and begging for used toilet paper. When we say used, we mean you've wiped your ass with it.

Religion : The Great Retard Bobo Sh@warna L337 ZoRz Du Duzimorizo

We're sorry for the small amount of details but due
to the fact that this Retard is much more obese and disturbing than the others, we have to wear a special suit just to get within 10 metres of it.

The ~~~~ Anti-Retard Suit.

A man in a weird hazmat suit trying to kill
a Helga. Whats wrong?

Now we show you what a Helga looks like. P.S the camera greatly reduces the ugliness of a Helga.
The power of Cybershot. That thing in her arms is a heap of used toilet papers. After being put in the microwave for three hours.

*If you see a Helga, do not alert it to your presence, for it will chase you around yelling: "DUH!!!!!HGSDKAPA!!!!!DUDUDUDUDUDZZZZZZ!!!!! and try to kiss you. I know, its disturbing. So, find a weapon (Perfume and nice smelling things work nicely against the stink of the Helga, and chopsticks are excellent for pulling out its brain. Careful, some of them don't have brains.)

*If you like the Helga or anything else that is stupid and retarted, visit Then you will be an official Retard and we'll and your name to the list of WWR (World Wide Retards)

*If you want to learn more about retards, go to or

*Anti-Retard equipment is sold in every Minitoons™ store.

*Helga is seen on Boomer's World too, and in case you forgot, its every Friday 9.00p.m on Channel 552 , TVIQ.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Something to Think About

As none of you know, there is a secret agency that has infiltrated every level of our governments, searching for their targets known as Retards. This agency is called the ARI, or the Anti-Retard Initiative. Although we're not sure why they gave themselves such a retarded name. Hypocrites.

Anyway, ARI was responsible for many deaths throughout the centuries. Here are a few examples:

Julius Caesar - Balding was thought to be a symptom of retardedness in the old times.

Adolf Hitler - Mistaken for a famous retard named doH! because of that ugly mustache.

Abraham Lincoln - Don't ask me why.

George Washington - They failed to kill him so they knocked out his teeth instead

ARI was also responsible for the deaths of many Japs during World War II, because it was them who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. The reason: Japs kinda looked like retards. Then they dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki because it was, according to one of their staff, " Watch Jappies go boom-boom fun-fun!!

That same employee was terminated one day later for positive symptoms of Retardedness.

And we're keeping our fingers crossed that ARI stops their Irish stupidity and notices that we have a Sakai and a Boomer here. Maybe hanging Boomer from the flagpole will help.

So, boys and girls, if you suspect a person of Retardedness, do not contact the authorities, but immediately pick up a weapon, preferably a pair of chopsticks, and dig out the retard's brain.
Remember, you'll be doing humanity a great service. ^^

ARI Commando Squads. These squads are trained to hunt down and kill Retards. Actually they don't need much training, cause Retards are so darn easy to kill. F.Y.I, Retards kinda like to hide in public toilets, the smellier the better.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

End of holiday

Well, 2 weeks of school holidays is finally coming to an end. (Damn you jack!! You get 3, you mutha f***er)

Anyway, this probably means that i have to see that goddamn Sakai again. And no, I did not forget the retarded boomer. After all, he's the thing that goes up to total strangers an says " Duhh, what's in dah pantz"

Anyway, well i guess that's it. I'm not really in a mood to post due to the ending of the holiday. But I promise to make up for it.

And while you're reading this post, I might as well tell you a joke. Well, here it is " Add a bed, minus your clothes, divide your legs and multiply." P.S.: I got this from a friend who's identity has been withheld.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stay Healthy Everyone!!!

There have been many deaths recently not only from H1N1, but also from other diseases recently. So, our editor has forced us to show you some tips on how to stay healthy.

P.S Please follow these tips, or we will lose our job. No pressure.

Brush twice a day.

Remember, you are what you eat

Visit the dentist regulary.

Get plenty of rest.

Make sure your hair is dry before going outside..

Eat right.

Get outside in the sun every once in a while.

Always wear a seatbelt.

Control your drinking of alcoholic beverages.

Smile! It will make you feel better.

Don't overindulge yourself.

Always wear a safety helmet while playing

Love your country, join the army (random)

Don't bite off more than you can chew

Exercise often

Love yourself, don't do what this cat does

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Due to the Boomer, I mean H1N1 outbreak, our school closed for 1 week. Plus the week after that.
2 weeks of holiday = awesome. Although I'm sure Boomer had something to do with this. And to all of who's schools are still open, IN YOUR FACE!! Anyway, remember this??

* To the left are a few examples of Boomer, I mean Flying Pigs

Here's a little something for you to remember me by.

And me in front of the computer. P.S the cigar's Cuban.

.....Got a little lost in New York City.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Left 4 Lol......

To all those who play Left 4 Dead, this is the clip you've got to watch. If you don't play the game or wet your pants whenever you see a blood-covered zombie, it's quite funny too, but maybe you wouldn't completely understand it. Anyway, this clip contains swears, but don't blame us, we didn't make it.

This isn't the real Left 4 Dead, so don't get mistaken XD.......

No offense to Mexicans and zombies.

And here's the link if you want to watch it on youtube.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our List of Staff

This are some of the pics of our goofy employees. P.S some of these pics were taken a long time ago so the people inside might have changed a bit.

So here are the pics.
Get ready a paper bag for puking.

Our first editor - the
late Lucius Vladimir Putin Francis Vrngghd
von Q. Swaztikanegga
In service : 250 - 190 B.C.

Our janitor, Mr. Borronco
Albama Gandalf.

Just one of the
staff, Miss Megan Fox.
She got really PISSED for us taking a photo of her taking her daily drug dosage.
Mr & Mrs Finnigan's deaths were never reported in the News Straits

Another one of our staff, Mr Harry James Potter, an employee
so hardworking that he writes during his bath.

The Twins, Angelina and Selina Jolie, fighting for a cup of
coffee during their lunch break.

Two brothers, Jeffrey and Jeffrey Henderson,
fighting for the rights to use the bathroom.

And finally our beloved readers and paparazzi.

And also, our office on Fridays.

And we also hired this fellow to terminate any Sakai, Boomer and Retards in the perimeter.

P.S: He's got a really trigger happy finger and a hunger for blood.
Watch your ass.